Debbie S. Miller
Adult Books

If you are looking for autographed books for a gift, Debbie can personally inscribe the following adult books: A Wild Promise, On Arctic Ground and Midnight Wilderness. To order a signed copy(ies), please email Debbie at with your requested inscription. For personally autographed copies, Debbie can accept payment via PayPal, personal check or Venmo and will provide an invoice via email. Click here for a price list.
Nestled between the mountains of the Chugach National Forest in southcentral Alaska, Prince William Sound contains a priceless gem: the Nellie Juan-College Fiord Wilderness Study Area. This wild expanse of over two million acres, home to a rich array of wildlife that thrives in and around the nutrient-rich Sound, has remained in limbo as a designated wilderness study area for more than three decades. I explored this region for five seasons, working with photographer Hugh Rose, in order to create this book.
2019 Silver Independent Publishers Award for Best Regional Non-Fiction
2018 Silver Nautilus Book Award in Ecology and Environment
2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Finalist in Nature

During three summers, I explored Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve with a team of photographers and radio producer and author, Richard Nelson. This photo-essay book is a collaboration of more than a dozen outstanding photographers and writers. My personal stories reflect more than 600 miles of arctic explorations, traveling by canoe and on foot along four of the Reserve's wild rivers. This is the first book that describes the wildlife, wilderness and wonders of the largest expanse of public land remaining in America. In a balanced approach, Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar recently set aside about half of this Reserve (11 million acres) as "special areas" that protect the conservation values of this vast land from oil and gas drilling. Hats off to everyone who made this happen!

"One of the highlights of my life was a visit to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, one of the most extraordinary wilderness and wildlife areas left on earth. Midnight Wilderness captures the essence of its beauty, vastness, and wildlife heritage, but more importantly, it addresses the significance of protecting this national treasure for future generations." - President Jimmy Carter
"Debbie Miller's book, Midnight Wilderness: Journeys in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge describes this large, isolated wilderness with lyric precision. It is an intimate, knowledgeable work..." - San Francisco Examiner
"Debbie Miller's account of her 1,000 mile exploration of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is sure to grab the adventurer in all of us."- San Diego Tribune
"There can be few people who know this troubled and lovely land as well as Debbie Miller, and it is that gift of knowledge she brings with a seeing eye and feeling heart."- Wilderness Magazine
"Miller, a freelance writer and photographer, presents a timely plea for the preservation of the largest wilderness area in the U.S., now threatened by oil and gas development...She describes vividly the wonders of this magnificent 19-million acre preserve in Alaska's northeastern corner."- Publishers Weekly
Braided River, 2011
20th Anniversary Edition w/ color photos
ISBN 978-1-59485-633-4
Adult non-fiction

2007 National Outdoor Book Award, “Design and Artistic Merit” category
"This magnificent book, with 200 sumptuous color photographs, is the story of the birds that return each summer to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. About 190 species gather from six continents and all 50 states to nest and rear their young. Included here are essays by biologists and conservationists recounting the life histories of loons and waterfowl; hawks, eagles, and falcons; shorebirds; gulls, terns, and jaegers; owls; land birds; and a few species that remain within the refuge in significant numbers year-round...This book makes clear the importance of the refuge to bird populations and the dire consequences of permitting oil exploration." - George Cohen, Booklist, American Library Association
"A stunningly beautiful nature photography book." -Wisconsin Bookwatch
Edited by Stephen Brown, PhD
Mountaineers Books, 2006
ISBN: 0898869765
Ages: Adult (photo essay)

Photography by Subhankar Banerjee
Mountaineers Books, 2003
ISBN: 0898869099
Ages: adult (photo essay)
2003 Banff Mountain Book Festival Mountain Image Award
2004 ForeWord Magazine's “Book of the Year” Award, category: Environment
2004 Independent Publisher Book Award, “Top Prize", category: Environment
"Banerjee's photographs provided irrefutable evidence of the refuge's rich ecological diversity as well as its fragile and unmatched beauty." - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
"These images are sharply at odds with the notion...that the refuge is a frozen, lifeless place." - San Francisco Chronicle
"This is a tour de force of the Arctic landscape.."- The Oregonian
“This book should be required reading of every senator, congressman, and president.” - The Explorers Journal

This is a wonderful book that includes the essays of 32 writers who speak about the importance of protecting the extraordinary natural values of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In addition to my own essay, works of many writers are included in this volume. Authors include: President Jimmy Carter, Margaret Murie, Scott Russell Sanders, Bill McKibben, Rick Bass, Terry Tempest Williams, Wendell Berry, and Barry Lopez.
I'm thankful for all of these fine essayists, poets, political leaders, and scientists who joined me in speaking out for the Arctic Refuge. The creation of this book began with a series of phone calls in January, 2001, between Hank Lentfer, Carolyn Servid, and other writers. In the course of just two months Hank, Carolyn, Milkweed Press, and a generous donor joined together to solicit, edit, and print the contributions of 32 writers, a graphic artist, and Ken Whitten, an Alaska wildlife photographer whose dramatic caribou picture appears on the cover of the book. All of the contributions for this volume involve donated time, and proceeds from the sale of this book are directed to a special Arctic fund set up by the Alaska Conservation Foundation.
The book is available nationally in bookstores, online stores, and through Milkweed Press at 800-520-6455, or visit
ISBN: 1-57131-263-3
Milkweed Editions, 2001
Adult non-fiction

"Alaska, that place of superlatives, harbors only 16 of the United States' more than 500 national wildlife refuges--but those Alaskan refuges, all but two of them roadless, add up to an area half the size of Texas, with one refuge alone taking in more land than the state of West Virginia. The states of the Pacific Northwest comprise another 38 refuges, all but 10 of them open to public visitation. The refuges protect an astonishing range of plant and animal species, from the marine mammals and shorebirds of Washington's San Juan Islands to the spotted owls, jumping mice, and bobcats of Oregon's Willamette Valley. Naturalists Loren MacArthur and Debbie Miller point the way to these essential places, offering notes on when and where to travel and what to do and see when you arrive."
-Gregory McNamee,
ISBN: 0-312-25372-9
St. Martin's Griffin, 2000
Adult non-fiction

Edited by Michael Engelhard
University of Alaska Press
ISBN: 978-1-60223-048-4
Ages: adult (33 essays)
"This book ignites the magic of animal encounters in the wild woolly North. Read it and be transported."
- Bernd Heinrich, author of Mind of the Raven
"Wild Moments is the next best thing to being there."
- John Toppenberg, Alaska Wildlife Alliance
"The stories collected in Wild Moments vividly evoke the compelling landscape of the far North. They remind us of the ecological and cultural importance of a place where survival depends on cooperation between humans, on animals, and on respect for the forces of nature, and why what happens in this exquisitely sensitive part of the world ultimately matters to all of us.
- Elizabeth Grossman, author of Watershed
Michael Engelhard did a great job gathering and editing 33 essays by nature writers who share a love for Alaska and its wildlife. Each of us shared a wild encounter and personal relationship with a chosen creature. The result is a collection of stories that transport the reader into the world of bear or wolverine, wolf or otter, sandhill crane or raven, whale or salmon, and many other species. I chose to describe a close encounter with a family of American Dippers on a wild stream in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I wrote much of Glad Singer while camped near Sadlerochit Springs not far from a nest of dippers. Smack dab in the middle of a bubbling stream was the moss-covered nest, camouflaged and completely surrounded by the rush of water. We watched the parents feed three chicks with mouthfuls of wet insects, diving, bobbing, and nodding. We witnessed the chicks taking their first steps on slick rocks, and their short flights on stubby wings across the riffles. These songbirds are married to the stream, and amazingly live in the Arctic year-round!